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As we began to feel reassured that the Summer temperatures are not eternal (yeah, we are all tired of 100 degree days), I wanted to share with you the plans for the next Salon on Sunday, November 9. This is the second salon we are having in Phoenix/Scottsdale. The first one was such an amazing success (read about here). The audience enjoyed a very special, intimate performance by gifted artists performing gorgeous music and dance. The next salon will maintain the eclectic, dynamic format made popular by Andrea Clearfield in Philadelphia. It will be two hours of inspired performance mixing classic, jazz, dance, and digital special effects.



The night will bring you five superb acts with a mix of new talent, established artists, and a true music legend.

The Phoenix Brass Trio

Charles Lewis and Jazz trio

P4Q Quartet

Yumi LaRosa flamenco

Jorge Montes 

The Salon is an exceptional space to experience great music in an intimate and informal way. Intermission is an opportunity to chat with the musicians about what inspires them and their musical story. It is also an opportunity to make friends who are as excited as you are about the arts.

Collage Salon 2 #2More details on the program to come in the next post. Click here to subscribe to the blog by email today. If you have not checked the article about the last salon, do so now, you will enjoy it. Feel free to share the news with friends. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Alda & John Zerio
