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Musical Revelations with Andrea Clearfield

Revelations is the theme of the first salon curated and hosted by Andrea Clearfield in Arizona. Revelations is a rich simile for bringing together such an eclectic and diverse group of performers, genres, and art expressions. The theme extends in similar ways to the...

Breaking the Ice: The Artists and Their Art

SALON AT THE GARDEN: SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 7:30 pm   CHUCK PECK Chuck Peck started his shakuhachi instruction in New York City. First studying with Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin, Shakuhachi Grand Master. In November of 2005, he moved to Phoenix Arizona. He continued...

Living With a Japanese Garden

I once read a statement that I paraphrase freely here ‘if one spends time in Japan and walk in its gardens, one can’t help but be infected by the beauty’. This explains one-half of our inspiration. By a simple transposition of words, the same applies to Santa Fe, New...