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The Autumn Salon: Letting Go in November

[su_heading size=”27″ margin=”60″]Sunday, November 15, 6:30 p.m.[/su_heading] Autumn is finally upon us. The air is still humid but the 100s are no longer. The evergreens show again their calm and glossy greens. The ashes and elms, their...

The Power of Rhythm and Words

It was a night that left more than a sweet aftertaste. The performances were defined by high doses of passion and the audience responded with several standing ovations. In reality, the way the program came together and how the performances flowed into each other is...

Musical Revelations with Andrea Clearfield

Revelations is the theme of the first salon curated and hosted by Andrea Clearfield in Arizona. Revelations is a rich simile for bringing together such an eclectic and diverse group of performers, genres, and art expressions. The theme extends in similar ways to the...